Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do You See What I See?

I was reading this Onstage Success blog entry entitled "Things Can Blur When You're Too Close" as my eyes were trying to adjust to an improvement in my nearsightedness due to a degeneration of my farsightedness which comes with age (UGH!).  Yes, I now am having to wear reading glasses when I'm using the computer.  I was able to read it better and it became less blurry when I finally put on my new reading glasses (over the contacts I still have to wear for the nearsightedness I've had from a very young age - DOUBLE UGH!!).

The blog discusses the little things artists don't hear or see in their music and their performances that their team of producers is experienced in catching.  Let me just say, this goes for an artist's image and appearance as well.  Unless you own your own 360 degree mirror, there are things you, the artist, won't notice without the expertise of an image consultant/wardrobe stylist (I promise I'll be equipped with both my contacts and my reading glasses to help you!).

Take a minute to check out the article, one of several free articles from Onstage Success.  To receive exclusive articles, videos, and more from Onstage Success, click here!

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