Friday, April 23, 2010

What Women Think About Men's Shoes

In asking other women what they notice right away about a man's clothing and appearance, most women said their shoes. And guess what, women have strong opinions about men's shoes, especially tennis shoes! Now before you get defensive, understand that the criticism is about the shoes, not the person wearing the shoes. By giving you these insider secrets about what kind of men's shoes women like and don't like can give you a leg-up (no pun intended) on piquing a woman's interest in what you have to say and offer or in making your wife swoon! Also, you are going to have your turn to let us gals know what you like and don't like about our own fashions, shoes included! Details are included at the end of this blog entry, but for now, here's what some women, single and married, had to say:

"I always think those leather dress shoes (kind of like loafers but not loafers) look good. Cole Hann's have really nice ones. I really despise those velcro sandals... Eewww!!! :)"

"I like Sketchers casuals with a nice pair of jeans or a nice pair of cowboy boots, they make their tushes look nice!"

"White tennis shoes are never okay....regardless of style, brand, occasion for wearing them. Also, any kind of tennis shoes, even attractive, normal, socially acceptable styles are not appropriate in bars or other night life scenes, period."

"I don't like solid color tennies. Like all red worn to match exactly a red jersey of whatever. I HATE solid color tennies!"

"I really don't like it when a man doesn't keep his shoes clean and also when the shoe he really likes is the shoe that is wearing out but he still won't go out and buy a new pair similar to them (doesn't matter when the soles are wearing out no matter how nice the style of the shoe is!)."

"I say the least distracting, the better. I prefer classic dress shoes, hiking boots, or even flip flops. Less is more. Don't get hung up on shoes...just like women don't want men to spend more time than us on getting ready, we don't want men to wear better shoes than us!"

There you have it guys! So now, let me hear from you. What do you like and dislike about certain things you notice about a woman's clothing? Email me directly at I'll post your comments (don't worry, you will remain anonymous) in an upcoming blog!

Next week, I will tell you what men should wear and do to make a good impression in a job interview.

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